Journal Entries

Last Day on Skiing Trip

I took some pictures. Some of them look shitty, but if you click on them to enlarge um, they’re a lot better. Here are some of the best. 

Hope you liked them XD. 

We only went on a few runs the last day. It was pretty icy. Damn that 3 hour drive home was a killer. I drove for an hour. Not that bad, but still. And so… the journey ends. 

I’ll write up a separate post for some highlights. This one is long enough :-P.

Journal Entries

First Day on Skiing Trip

I took two pictures using ICam.

We didn’t go skiing today because it was raining. Instead, we drove around. It was so foggy that we couldn’t see the hotels on the side of the road. We crossed this river and it looked like something out the Exorcism of Emily Rose. You know the scene where she walks out into the fog? The entire river/lake was frozen over and a thick blanket of fog was resting on top of it. Everything looked white. It was pretty cool at night because the fog captured all the yellow street lights and lights from the ski slopes. It felt like night of the living dead or whatever.

I worked out. I was surprised the inn had weights and machines. I found out the the elliptical is much harder than the treadmill. I love working out. It makes you feel so pure afterwards. Kind of like the glow effect after an orgasm.

We ate at this simple bar near the inn. I had the best cheeseburger of my life. I felt like Tony Stark when he comes back from being in captivity and has an American Cheeseburger. It was so delicious and so simple. There was a guitar performer. At first, he sounded good, but then the chords got dull and I couldn’t understand half the words he was saying. It must take real guts to perform. I wish I could do that. I don’t have a good enough voice though. 

When we came out and I was walking in the cold fog, I just wanted to jump up, throw my arms out and yawp. I did actually. It felt good. All the loneliness was out of my system and I was warm and pure inside.

I was sitting at this old wooden table that looked like it came out of a bar in a Dragonlance book and this lady came up to me and asked if she could use my apple computer charger. She looked to be around 30. We had pleasant conversation. I was amazed at how open I was with her. It was odd. I’m usually not outgoing. 

The last thing I want to say is I’ve decided on a story idea that I think I can really dedicate myself to. It’s going to be about my adoption and El Salvador. I’ll let you know if I get off the ground with it. 

Thanks for listening,


Journal Entries

Going Skiing!

I’m going skiing tomorrow! Going to be gone for three days. Woot. I hope I’ll have some fun. Can’t wait to get out of this lousy town. 

I’ve found that running helps defeat the loneliness.

Journal Entries


Christmas was an (I know I’m being cliche) emotional roller coaster ride. 

I got into Hofstra University. I’m 6/6! Now I’m just waiting for my regular decision application decisions. I also got into Fordham University. Oh wow… I’m getting behind in my posts. I also got into Northeastern University. Northeastern gave me $58,000 (over the four years)!!!!! That’s a huge sum of money… apparently, a lot of other people from my school got that much… makes it less special eh?

For Christmas, I got dvds (including The Dark Knight!), money, an amazon gift card, Barak Obama’s book, some little things, and…. ready???…. THE NEW MACBOOK! Wow… I was so surprised. I was resigned to Dad’s promise to get it for graduation (I mean, not bad, but long wait… so spoiled >.<). It had never crossed my mind… hehe. Anyways, I’ll be doing some videos to show what it’s all about and some pictas. :-P.

I’ve had the flu for the past several days. Life has been miserable. Felt like shit. Lonely, depressing. I hit a bout of loneliness on Christmas Eve. I don’t have a big family here… just my Dad and my Mom. Christmas Eve… was shitty. Gotta push on eh?

I’ve met someone through one of my websites. Pretty cool character. Genuinely interested in the same things I am :-P. I can’t wait to talk by IM.

 I’m looking to take up a instrument. Maybe African drum, piano, or guitar. No idea where I would get a teacher. I tried learning piano from a website and it went pretty well. Only thing is… it costs $70 to continue lmao. Extortion eh? 

That’s my life at the moment. 


Journal Entries

Some Updates (College, Writing, Life)

So, I got into University of Massachusetts, Amherest. WOOT! So far, I’ve gotten into DePaul, George Mason, and UMA. I’ve recently sent out my regular decision applications. God, I hope I get into George Washington University. I have such a bad case of senoritis.

I learned that because Nanowrite teamed up with this other website, I can get a published copy of my novel for free (shipped to me for free) with an isbn number and everything. I can also put it up for sale on and whenever you google my name or the novel’s title, it will come up. Pretty cool eh? I was jumping up and down earlier.

Working on ILing’s present. It’s a secret. Trying to learn piano on my own. I like the piano. You lose yourself as you play. It is like what typing is to me. I can express myself better through writing because my hands flow across the keyboard faster than I can speak… so speech is a harder form of communication for me.

We had like 4 days off this week. There was a huge power outage. My friends came over and stayed the night. Lots of people had to stay with friends. Was kind of exciting. Thank god our house didn’t lose power

Oh, and I learned I’m a universal doner (from my blood donations a while ago).

That’s it.

Journal Entries

Nanowrite Celebration

I just celebrated the end of Nanowrite by going to check out a macbook and by having a high-calorie dessert ^.^.

The macbook was amazing! I want one so much. It’s perfect.

High calorie dessert tasted good. Now I don’t feel good about eating it. It was a warm brownie cookie with ice cream.

Journal Entries

Quick Update

I got into DePaul University!!!! Very happy. They also gave me a $ 38,000 scholarship (over all four years). Basically, it would pay for tuition each year or one full year worth of expenses.

I got the internship. I will be writing articles for the website and helping out with advertising strategies. Can’t tell you how excited I am. I’ll finally be doing what I love… writing… and it will have a purpose.

Iling is now in Australia. :( She’s busier, so I’m not talking to her as much. Sad about that.

Finally, I’m trying to get more involved in writing websites like, webook, and am working on

Journal Entries

The End of Nanowrite

Well, I finally crossed the finish line and have a 50,000 word novel to prove it. I finished about 15 minutes before 12 o’clock (the end time). I literally wrote about 6,000 words in an hour. It was intense.

I made myself a huge cup of coffee and just wouldn’t let my fingers come off the keyboards. I typed and typed and typed. I was almost certain that something was going to go wrong when I got to word 49,600. My computer was going to crash or God was going to come down laughing saying that life was just a joke and that I wasted all that effort for nothing… but I finished.

It doesn’t really feel like I’m a “champion.” My novel sucks. I don’t know. I don’t feel like I’m worthy of a celebration. Maybe it’s because I rushed through it and didn’t put in all of my sweat and blood.

For a celebration, I’m going to go up to best buy and check out the macbooks. I really want one… it would be a prize to me if I could just try one out. Maybe I’ll spend some of the money I’ve saved up. I’m trying to think up other ways to celebrate. I considered getting a gigantic high-calorie dessert. I don’t think I’ll do that though.

So, it’s over. Now on to writing college application essays. The one thing I learned from this experience is that my greatest downfall and weapon is “momentum.” When I have momentum, I can do things a lot easier and better, like writing. When I don’t, writing and any other activity is torture.

Every writer should try Nanowrite next year! Visit the website and check it out!

Journal Entries

Thanksgiving Day Late Post

Yes, I am late for this post, but I assure you it is worth reading…

That is the Turkey I colored for school. Double click it to get a bigger picture :-P. You might like it.

Thanksgiving was normal… normal being I had two. One with my family and one with my psycho grandmother at the nursing home. It wasn’t all that special. My family isn’t very close. We tried though and the pie was very good. That’s all.