Journal Entries

I went to Obama’s Inauguration

Like Obama says, it began with a hope. At dinner one night, I made a casual remark that it would be cool to go to Obama’s inauguration. My parents kinda nodded. Not much more. I knew it was very unlikely because my parents are wikid strict about school and wouldn’t want me missing midterm review sessions. Still, every now and then I’d remind them of ways it could work.

“We could just go down for the day by plane.” “I could still go after school to ask teachers questions.” They never said anything back. Just nodded like before.

It was looking pretty grim. My parents usually won’t let me miss school unless I’m so sick I have to crawl to the toilet. Even though I knew it would never happen, I was actually really let down. By that time, I had discovered Obama’s book, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, listened to most of his speeches online, and gobbled up every bit of info about the guy. I had grown to respect him for his experience, life choices, and the positive energy pulsing around him. Like me, he has a love for writing. Like me, he has struggled with questions about his family squared (his family back in Africa that he had never met). When he got off the plane in Africa, beginning his journey to unearth his roots and unveil the mysteries of his family’s past, I thought to my future when I will be making a similar journey into the tropical, war-ridden lands of El Salvador to seek out my biological family. When he questioned which culture, people, history he belonged to, I, for the first time, began wondering if I am part of the Latino culture or the American culture. Or as he felt, part of neither. He had been brought up away from Africa, away from the authentic values of his people. I had been brought up so many worlds away from El Salvador that I would have never known the name of the country had not my mother made sure I understood I was adopted. Aspects of Obama’s life paralleled mine in a very scary, but real way.

I realized that he is the first real hero I have ever had. Most of my heroes have been characters in stories or people long dead. After discovering all this and more, I had to live with the sad, but obvious realization that Obama was going to forever be a face on television, a voice over the internet. Not truly real. I hated how I had finally found a hero living today to look up to, and now I was going to miss the one opportunity to experience him for real… in person.

…I wasn’t expecting it at all and I still can’t believe it happened. Three days before the inauguration, I was laying in bed thinking. It was late, about 11:30 PM. The inauguration wasn’t even in my mind. I was thinking about midterms, relationships, and my life. My door slowly began to open. My Dad poked his head in. Even in the darkness, I could see his glasses shining.


“I got two plane tickets for DC so make sure to get any homework from your teachers.” Then, he closed to door.

Damn! I remember laughing to myself.
I couldn’t think of anything else to say.
It was like when I was little and I couldn’t get to bed on Christmas Eve because I’d be thinking about all the presents in the morning. I just kept picturing the sea of people, Obama’s booming voice, and me there.
No way I could get to sleep now. I just kept saying “Oh shit! Damn. Holy shit.”

The journey had begun.

We left early on the morning of the inauguration. I slept on the way down to the airport. We couldn’t bring any luggage, so it was just me and my dad bundled up in puffy coats and gloves getting on the plane.

At this time, I had about ten pages left in my Obama book. It was… very very coincidental that I was just about to finish this guy’s book and now I was going to meet him. I decided to save the last pages for the flight home and instead took another nap.

When we arrived at the DC airport, we rushed to catch the subway. We knew every minute was precious because there were going to be so many people filling into the mall. The subway car was packed. I was smooshed up against an old woman who smelled like dusty perfume. Almost everyone around me was black and all the woman were wearing furs. It was… odd… but expected I guess. As I was standing there, helping a woman steady herself against a support bar, I thought back to a passage in Obama’s book when he first went to Africa and got this enormous sense of family love and belonging. I looked around at the brown, black, and tan faces. Some of them were old and worn. Others were young and taught. In the orange sunlight tinted by the subway car’s window, they looked warm and inviting. It’s habit for me to avoid eyes in public. This time though, I looked around and locked eyes with a girl who couldn’t be more than 30. She smiled, showing a healthy set of teeth. I smiled back. I don’t if it was the day or what, but I’ve never had that experience before. Usually people will force a smile. She gave a real one.

One of the older women passed out on the subway. I saw it coming. She was closing her eyes, mumbling, and kinda leaning against the bar/sliding down. True, I didn’t do anything about it. Everyone felt like passing out… it was a wikid long subway ride.

Here’s some pics of the train station when I got off.


Subway stairs
Subway stairs

Subway stairs 2
Subway stairs 2

There were camera flashes everywhere. Kinda blinding. Going up into the cool morning air was like a slap in the face. As we walked with everyone else (it was like a mini-parade), I got to thinking about politics and myself. If you had asked me last year, I’d have never believed I’d be going to a president’s inauguration. I’ve just never been interested in government before. Kinda unbelievable how things change so fast.

Damn. It was packed. Literally, people everywhere you looked. Me and my dad crammed into the crowd, trying to get a good place to stand. At one time, my dad said he felt like fainting. All the people were pressing against you from every side. Would suck for a claustrophobic person. I was laughing… it was such a hilarious concept. All these people in the crowd. I’m thinking… okay let’s see… what percent is thinking about sex? What percent is into zoophilia? You know… all those statistics where like 10 percent of people this or that… and you look around at the crowd of a million people and realize those people are being squished against you.

We couldn’t see Obama at all. Way too many heads. Heard the speech though. It was all… echoey though because the speakers weren’t really coordinated. Lots of people were crying and yelling and talking. I guess I kinda blended in being Latio and all… There were so many black, Indian, Spanish, people. After the speech, we spent an hour waiting to get out of the place, then eventually me and my dad just pushed through an opening and ran to freedom lol.

Spent another hour trying to find a place to eat/get on the subway. Finally, we got on the subway and began the long ride back to the airport. Airport, then buss, then finally home. Back in one piece…

Fucking incredible but horrible experience. So cold… my legs were numb, my back was aching and it hurt to walk the next day from standing 8 hours in one spot.

It’s really amazing how all these people came together in one spot to celebrate Obama. And how… we all had something in common, that we were there, so when we talked to people standing beside us, it wasn’t like they were strangers. We laughed and just talked when we had something to say.

Man, I remember on the buss that took us to the subway how all the older black women were sitting down and smiling and chatting and the younger couples were talking to each other, faces really close and intimate. I really felt… not awkward. I donno how else to say it. Felt really calm like I belonged in that moment. Usually, when I was on the T in Boston, the people would avert their eyes and pretend the other people didn’t exist. Here, it was like we were all in it together… the trip to the inauguration I guess. Most of the time I get the vibe people don wanna make the effort to reach out, don’t see the point or don’t care. Here, everyone was reaching out. People were talking who had never known each other. It was a good positive feel, the feel I think Obama got when he went back to Africa to visit his family for the first time.

I guess there’s no other way to describe it than incredible. These math geniuses, people at the top of their fields, hot Victoria secret models, businessmen, construction workers all came together to celebrate Obama. Obama obviously isn’t the smartest person when it comes to math or science or English or history, but they put their faith in him to run the country… I think because it’s more than intelligence. It’s that ability to make decisions, to have your own beliefs and be a well-rounded, emotionally intelligent individual.

Anyway, here’s the rest of the pics.

Sun rises over America
Sun rises over America

Light sandwiched between dark clouds n earth
Light sandwiched between dark clouds n earth

After the inauguration, picture of the flags
After the inauguration, picture of the flags

Journal Entries



I just shoveled a boatload of snow… figure i’d get some fun out of chores though and took some pictures. I’m such an idiot. I’ve been wondering why my photos/videos suck lately. It’s cuz the camera is on fast frame or skip frame or something like that. DOH.

Journal Entries

A day at the gym


I’m trying out something new. Comment please and tell me which you like more… the video version or the typed version. I’d watch the video first.

So, I was at the gym the other day and this woman kinda gave me this odd look. She was standing awkwardly, looking at the weights. I figure she didn’t know what she’s doing, but I continued my set. Afterwards, she came over kinda hesitantly and leaned closer.

“Do you know how to exercise.. um.. the er…” She motioned over her abdomen.

I smiled and laughed and said, “Yea, there’s a nautilus in the other room that does that. “

She nodded and turned away.  She was still just standing there looking at the weights. I did another set and she came back. “No I mean, with free weights.”

I frowned. “Mmm.. no, donno how. You can ask one of those guys,” I said, motioning to these other two men… one about 30 the other 40. She looked to them and then kinda force smiled, “I’d be too embarrassed.”

I frowned. “Just go ask them, they won’t mind.” She did one of those sheepish looks and said, “I only asked you because you’re about my son’s age.”

I nodded and said “K, I’ll ask um for you.” She stopped me and said it was fine and left the room to use to nautilus.

At first, I laughed because it seemed ridiculous that she would do an exercise she didn’t want to just because she was afraid of asking those guys. That day, driving home, I thought about it more though and by the time I hung up the keys and kicked off my shoes near the fireplace, I was frowning and deep in thought.

The first day at the gym, I was pretty self-conscious.  You worry what people will think when you aren’t lifting as much weight as everyone else, you hope no one notices you fumbling with a machine you’ve never used before, you pray to god you don’t smell bad and that you aren’t a horrific sight when you’re all sweaty and coming off the elliptical.

After a few days though, those thoughts seem ridiculous because you know everyone is sweaty and working hard together and doesn’t care. In fact, most of them are nice and genuinely like having the company.

I knew that the woman would get over her shyness in a few days… but that wasn’t what I was dwelling on. I couldn’t get over what she said, “I only asked you because you’re about my son’s age.”

I’ve always heard that in new situations people look for the familiar to connect with… but that was the first major situation where I saw that. I kept thinking wow, this woman was willing to trust me to help her because I represented something familiar. Then I started thinking about all of the people I could help in the world simply because I’m young, because I’m Hispanic and they may be too, because I’m adopted and they may be too, because I’m a writer and they are too, because I’ve gone through shit and they have too.

The list was expansive and kinda made me feel guilty for not helping more people while I’m in this period of my life that represents innocence. Like… an old lady might be more willing to have me help her than an adult. Having me help her might not be as embarrassing.

This realization kinda made me understand why things happen the way they do in new situations. I guess we look for similarity when in a new environment and kind of flock towards it. Then, from that base, we explore. I know it’s a simple concept, but this is the first event in my life that made me realize it.  

Journal Entries

Harvard Interview

I had my Harvard interview a few days ago. This is a summary of what happened and what I took away from it. I’ll try to keep it as simple and readable as possible. 

I left for the interview about 10 minutes ahead of time. I had no idea where I was going, but I had my trusty Tom Tom. I got to the street, but I couldn’t find the damn house. It was so dark. Eventually, I had to call my interviewer. I said I just passed a cemetery. She was like “Dude, where are you, there’s no cemetery around here.” Luckily, I wasn’t that far off. Just a few houses away.

The lady who answered the door was middle aged and seemed pleasant enough. She had a yellow lab that kept bouncing up and down. After petting the dog, she led me to a couch in the living room. We passed another dog and a snake. The one dog was a seeing-eye dog.

We started by talking about my grades and my resume. It was routine at first. I did my best to relax and just be myself. As we talked more and she got a feel for me, the conversation changed from routine and professional to relaxed and genuine. I found myself smiling and lightening up.

We talked more in-depth about the activities I was into. Fencing, writing, computer science. I told her about writing pieces I had worked on, my past and my adoption, and my plans for the future. It wasn’t all one sided either. She talked about her life, her experiences with Harvard, and her job.

I was amazed at how open I was. I told her stories that I hadn’t told to many other people and she actually laughed and was listening. I think she got the sense that I try to get involved with things outside of school that I’m really interested in (like fencing, writing, programming). Also, she understood what I wanted out of college: a diverse array of meaningful experiences.

By the end, I didn’t want the interview to end. I had such a good time talking with her. It was meaningful conversation. She told me that she had seen many guys and girls who deserved to get into Harvard and didn’t… people who had written books and been Olympic athletes. *shrug* I don’t expect to get in, but I really want to.

The interview made me realize that I can be who I am… be extroverted… and that it’s just a matter of relaxing and being in the moment… not thinking too much. Also, I saw how there are so many people I could be good friends with and that I could enjoy their company if only there was a way to meet them. Finally, I came away knowing that even if I don’t get into Harvard, I know I will be happy at George Washington University, Boston University, New York University or Northeastern U. It was my interviewer’s experience in India that made her choose to go to Med school and be a pediatrician. Not Harvard (Obviously Harvard helped).

I’m glad with where I am in my life right now and know I have a long way to go until I’ve fully grown and developed who I am… which I guess never stops. The United States, the World is there for a reason… to explore it. I can’t wait to get to college, travel the world, and just learn things that I didn’t know before. I know that people have made promises in the past to travel the world and ended up never fulfilling them, but I’m determined not to be one of those people. 

Journal Entries

Mah Nanowrite stuff and Geeky Shirts

So, I figured since I’m bored and It’s a snow day, I’ll take some pics of stuff I got for christmas. Nanowrimo (I call it Nanowrite) is a novel writing competition where you gotta write a 50,000 word novel in a month (November). Check it out if you’re a writer or wanna get into writing. I was very proud I finished, so I asked for all the Nanowrite goodies. Here they are and two other shirts I threw in.

Journal Entries

New Years Resolution Update

…. Why do I keep capitalizing the titles… it’s kind of pretentious *frown*

I’m keeping my resolution! :-D. Working out the gym almost every day. I feel good about it too. It actually doesn’t take that long… like an hour of weights and some cardio. I don’t do as much cardio as I used to. I used to run 3 miles a day. Now I just do like 15 minutes. 

I feel like I’m getting stronger too *grin*.

It forces me to work hard and get my school work done too … you know? Not procrastinate. 

Lol.. last year I had a bunch of resolutions. I decided I’d only have 1 this year so I could keep it. It’s working!


Journal Entries

Iskin Keyboard Protector Review

So I got a new Keyboard Protector (It’s called an Iskin) for my macbook. At first, I didn’t like it because it was hard to type. Now I love it. I can finally not fear getting stuff in my keys (which I always do). It fits perfectly (It was designed for the IBook or the older macbook version or w/e but it works for the new one).

It silences the typing a bit. Not as annoying to others I suppose.

It’s still easy to type on. Just took an hour for it to accustom itself to the keys. It stays on well too and doesn’t leave any marks. 

I researched it a bit before buying it and past users says it made the notebook warmer because the notebook needs to ventilates through the keys. It’s a little warmer, but not much. Basically… I wouldn’t leave it on if its a hot day or you’re running a huge application that slows down the computer.

*nod* Overall, 10/10.

Here are some pics.

– TK

Journal Entries

2008 summary


This is a summary of meaningful stuff in my life during 2008.

Well… a lot of shitty and uplifting stuff happened in 2008. Mostly, when I look back, I think… am I pleased with how I lived my life? Did I do everything I wanted to? The answers to those two questions are kinda and no. If each year is a microcosm of how you’re going to live your life, then I need to change some serious shit. I had a lot of realizations and experiences this year. Definitely, who I am and what I think it means to live has changed. I’mma talk about what happened and then save reflections for another post. 

Now, I hate flowery writing crap, and I admit I do it a lot sometimes, so I’ll try and make this straightforward and from the heart. 

My 2008 new year began with the end of a very close and loving relationship. For a month or two, I was devastated. I had invested so much time and so much of who I was in this person that when it ended, I not only lost my sense of love, but also my sense of self.

I didn’t give a shit about school. My grades dropped. Mostly, I would just sit in class and write on scraps of paper or in my journal. I didn’t care about anything anymore. Not writing, not reading, not friends. It was like… I had this incredible experience and now that it ended, everything else lost its life for me. 

Many of my beliefs…Taoism, writing, zen, meditation… were linked with that relationship. I started them during that relationship and began exploring myself. When it ended, all of those things felt fake. You know? It wasn’t all peaceful and serene any more. It was dark and depressing. 

Some people call it “emo” If you write in a journal/are depressed over things that petty in consideration with world hunger. Please don’t look at it as emo. Just look at it as how I felt and who I was at the time. 

A few months afterwards, I was involved in another relationship. It probably wasn’t a smart idea going into another relationship when I was still getting over the past one, but it was a attempt to move on. At this time, tennis season was going on. Tennis season always starts out well, the middle is kind of depressing (no idea why), and the end is always good. 

To make a long story short, the relationship was great at the beginning and it helped me through the days when I just did not want to go to tennis or take a test or do anything. It kept me going, you know? Eventually, it began to slow down and the attraction weakened. So, it ended, and again I was very sad. Anyways, That relationship is a story for another time. On an up note, I was so angry that I tried my hardest at a fencing tourni and got a C 08 (a higher level)

I did Relay for Life… that was a definite uplifter and wikid fun.

School ended, and I couldn’t have looked forward to summer more.I just wanted to start over. So, I started my Beginning Screenwriting class at Harvard. I got more involved with Harvard, attending concerts, cruises, trying to make friends, spending more time in Boston, doing psychology studies, and using the gym.

I got involved in a relationship and learned more things. That ended. Got into another relationship… and now here’s the game changer.

When I entered this relationship that I’ll associate with Harvard, I was very full as a person. I was happy, and genuinely felt good about myself. This relationship is the most healthy I have ever had up to this point. 

I developed who I am, grew stronger and more confident, and had (and am having) a great time. Summer ended.

School again. Some conflicts, I finished Nanowrite (which jump-started my writing and I’m writing again), some loneliness around Christmas which I cured, and then new years.

Journal Entries

*New* 2008 13 inch Macbook Review

 I’ve been using my new macbook for a bit, so I figure i’ll review it. 


– Fucking elegant frame. Seriously… when you touch it/see it, you will want to lick it. 

– Easy to use interface. Actually… much easier than windows. There are swipe actions for the keypad. I thought they would get in the way because i’ve hated them on past computers, but their actually very helpful. Can see all my windows at once. Also, once you get used to it, everything is very intuitive as they say. 

– Amazing sound system. So damn clear. When I made a movie/recorded my voice, it was movie quality. 

– Easy to type on. I’m buying a keyboard protector though because I always get stuff in my keys.

-Track pad is big and beautiful. 

– Good battery life. About 5 hours. That might drain over time.


– The msn version for mac sucks. Stripped of all the good features. The Isight doesn’t work for msn. Only aim and .mac and I think yahoo. Not sure about yahoo.

– I photo was kind of hard for me to use. Good quality image and editing and everything, but for some reason, when i’d move it from the import folder to the specific album, it would always have two copies of the image.

– When dragging an item, if you get to the edges of the trackpad, it’s like you go off the edge of the click reader and it drops the item. The trackpad is a physical button, so as you get to the edges when dragging, you need to hold it down a bit harder. Works fine for moving the mouse around though.

– The part of the cord that plugs into the wall is heavy and sometimes it will fall out if it’s in an old socket.

Overall, I’m pleased with it. I’ve ordered the Microsoft office for mac. I’ve heard iworks sucks… mac’s wanna be Microsoft office. I’m wondering if in the future, buying software for this will be a problem. I have this one writing program from a few years ago that says its compatible with mac, but it’s not with this… so I guess we’ll see if this product lives up to it’s hype. 

When I bought it… I was hesitant about the trackpad. For all you people like me, it’s nothing like those past deals where sometimes you accidentally hit the button or it’s hard to use. The trackpad is a physical button. It doesn’t slow me down at all.

Journal Entries

Germs- A story about a kid with OCD


I made me first youtube video. Woot. It’s me reading a story. Tell meh what you think, eh?