
This blog was started in 2007 as a way for me to share my feelings and aspirations. I had this desire to communicate, to throw my hopes and dreams out into the universe and see if there was a response. Maybe from others who are struggling with their identity or life purpose. I obviously share these types of things with my friends, but I was born to communicate through writing.

Over the years, I came to have this pressing need to organize my thoughts into coherent views on the books I was reading outside of school. The “book review” section of this blog was born as a way to inform potential readers about the quality of these books and for my much more selfish need to reflect on how these books have changed my life and made me see the world in new ways.

When I began to have an interest in business and economics, another section was formed so that I could comment on news stories and apply what I’ve learned about the economy to every day events.

As of 2011, I have removed the “journal entries” section of the blog because with increased readership, I didn’t think it was wise to be as emotionally naked as when I began the blog four years ago.

This blog revolves around my passions and my dreams. For me, the most rewarding part of blogging is being able to look back at my previous entries from four years ago and remember instantly just how I felt that day, and realize how much I’ve grown and matured. I also get a lot of joy when others find my blog helpful or connect with my entries.

You know those videos where you can see an entire year go by in a flash? I like to think of this blog as an unbiased and honest camera, and the resulting entries as a time lapse of my life. I hope you get something out of it!