Journal Entries

Hofstra Trip

My Hofstra University trip wasn’t all that interesting. It was a nice break from being in the house all day. I put the pictures at the end.

It was a three hour drive. We took the ferry to long island. I love ferries, especially when it’s sunset (was cloudy, grey, and depressing this time though). It makes me feel like I’m Jason Bourne when he was on his way to Naples or w/e.

Slept most of the drive. We stayed at some hotel like 15 minutes from campus. I love hotel desks. I could do anything at/bent over a hotel desk >.>. Seriously, the desks are so clean/spacious/easy to organize stuff on. I’m so getting one in my apartment when I’m older. I remember some writer wrote all his books at hotels because that’s where he could think clearly. Totally can see that.

I wrote in my china journal on the ferry (going and coming back). My goal is to fill up the entire notebook by the end of the trip. It’s an ambitious goal, but I know I can do it.

Before the dinner, we walked along the shore. Twas fucking cold and there was a monstrous wind. I should have brought my jacket. There were people putting up these stakes and attaching red tape…the stakes went into the distance at least a mile. They said they had been doing it for a few hours. Dayum.

My feet were killing me by the time we headed back to the car. Going, everyone seemed miserable we passed. Now I saw why.

Umm… we got to the dinner on time (Hofstra honors college dinner). There were a bunch of people there. I didn’t feel like being sociable, so I just kinda sat at a table and talked with my dad. Then we were ushered into the main room. Twas fucking elegant… they really planned everything out… I was impressed.

Awesome meal, courses spaced apart perfectly, very very professional. I was at a table with three other girls. They weren’t that… exciting… or talkative. The one admissions counselor was awesome though! She was black and really down to earth. Me and her teased each other, like the friendly teasing, you know? lol she was pretty damn funny too. her boyfriend/husband’s lucky.

Good food, good woman, what more can you ask for right? The speeches were pretty good. They gave us a flash drive as a present.

After dinner, we went back to the hotel and just watched tv. I was amazed how outgoing I was at the table. I seem to be myself when I’m far away from my home town :-P.

That admissions lady was so down to earth and easy to talk to. That’s the type of woman I wanna marry/date.


Slept, had a big breakfast, went on a tour of hofstra, saw a video, got more speeches, saw a dorm. Overall, I was surprised how welcoming the people were there. Many of the students were low-energy, but the faculty/people participating in setting up the event were sooo easy to talk to. donno why.

I felt really fat by the end of the trip, and less muscular. To top that, I had a cold. Ugh. But, it was worth it. If it weren’t for the location and the low-energyness, I would go there because the people are so damn easy to get along with.

That’s it. Long drive home. Sasha and me are going to prom. Here’s the pics from the trip.

Journal Entries




I got into George Washington University and they gave me $25,000 for the first year. Got into BU and they gave me $10,000 for the first year!

I’m going to visit Hofstra this weekend. I’ll write a blog on the road cuz i’ll have nothin else to do and poast it up here when I get back



Journal Entries


I think that chilies is out to make america fat. Also, I hate thank you wars… “Thanks for…” “well thank YOU for..” *shakes head*

I wish god would make up his mind and decide whether he wants to see chicks in bikinis or guys in spandex skii racing clothes. (it was sunny today and snowing)

I forgot how much I like hand written letters .

I’m going to get job applications this week. I am making that promise to you guys.

I hate when girls talk about how great their boyfriends are.

I’m feeling blah tonight/today. No real feeling. I did have a revelation yesterday, but I guess I’ll save that for later.


Journal Entries

Random Facebook thing I don’t want to forget.

Frowns at the mortal grapes who decay far before their time. From the moment they are plucked from de tree, they are continually tragic. *eats human*

Journal Entries

Heated Seats Cause Sperm Damage.


um… hi

soz… I figured that at least one person would be like “OH SHIT!”

Anyway…. The clouds must be depressed because they arn’t hovering… woot.

Tis sunny. imma work on doing all these chores my parents have lined up. Then run. Then maybe shoot some hoops. I don’t really feel like going to the gym today. Not feelin it, know what i’m sayin bro? Might go see watchmen again tonight cuz I found mah free tickets.

Had a meeting for china last night. Got to see Mattie and Emma! Got a journal too to write in during the trip. It’s a month away. :-D.

Yea… this is a routine blog. I do have a good song I am listening to.

Got my cell phone workin. Got team fencing sat. That’s it.

Ever had one of those dreams where your going out with the chick and then you wake up and you don’t know if you are or not because your so drowsy and then you get online all happy and reality fucks you in the ass?

P.s. I had a thought last night… (not speaking from experience)… Women are not equal to men because gay men supposedly give better blow jobs.

P.s. 2. I’m always afraid to put my blog poast under the “humor” tag cuz people would come along and be like… dude.. this shit ain’t funny. *shrug*

Journal Entries

Essay for scholarship on my Law of Life

This is my essay:

The Only Direction is Forward

Every great story from the time of the cavemen to the present day has had one thing in common: conflict. The bearded Neanderthal shouting across the campfire, the English playwright transferring his ideas of revenge, love, and tragedy to paper, and the Hollywood movie director shooting take after take of the same scene understood that when you place a mountain in front of a man, you find out what type of man he really is. Who you are is not visible when you are in the comfort of your home, sprawled out on the couch, watching reruns of CSI. Who you are is revealed when you must huddle together naked with other men to keep warm and eat human flesh to survive. Who you are is how you deal with conflict. My guiding law of life is simple. Keep moving forward.

When you look up into the great snowy, grey face of that mountain, do not hesitate. Everything in your life up to this point has prepared you to climb that mountain. You have everything you need. Do not look back. Stare back into the eyes of the demon and take the first step.

As you climb, you notice it’s harder to breathe. You look to the side and see how far you’ve come. You feel dizzy. You begin to plan how you will navigate the upcoming patch of ice. You realize how far you have to go. STOP IT! NOW! Don’t think. Don’t think! Don’t think! Focus on one thing at a time. One foot in front, then the other. Keep it simple. Your mind is your greatest ally and your worst enemy. Do not let it weaken your heart. One step. Then another. Good. It’s simple again. You can relax.

You’re going well. Then, your foot slips. You tumble, scraping limb and skin until you come to a rest. It hurts. It hurts so bad. You struggle your feet.

In life, you will fail. When you try to throw a punch, your enemy will block it. Does that mean you stand there awkwardly, feeling embarrassed? No! You throw another and another and another until you hit your mark and wipe the grin off the devil’s face. When you fail. Try again and again. Each trial strengthens you. Each failure brings you closer to success. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and continue on.

You’re almost there. The peak is in sight. All of your efforts, all of your tears, all of your hurts meld into one moment. The only direction is forward. You keep going because it is your purpose. It is what you need to do. Step. You can’t feel the ground under your feet. You’re sure your toes are raw. Everything is numb. Step. It doesn’t seem real. You can’t be this close. Step…You stop. Dare a look? You look up and there you are. You have made it to the peak. If you had been asked at the bottom of the mountain, “Can you climb that?” Your answer would have been “No. It’s impossible.” And yet, here you are.

Man has a hidden power. It is the power of survival. The power of pushing forward. The power of hope. This is the principle I use in the face of life. You can only go through life once. There will be many mountains. The journey is long and difficult. However, there will be many days to live past your mistakes and get your dreams right. “Lord don’t move that mountain. Give me the strength to climb it!”

Journal Entries


I got a charlie horse (leg cramp) while swimming. I kept thinking… what would have happened if I was in the middle of Walden Pond swimming and that happened…

I got into American University and New York University. I was kind of pissed about nyu because they said I was accepted into the Liberal Studies Program instead of the College of Arts and Sciences. Basically, I gotta prove to them in two years that I can do the work at NYU and then enter as a junior. I donno… the credits still count, but I don’t really like the idea. They give you the option of studying in London, Paris, and Florence too. I’m just afraid… they would be taking my money and just giving me a continuation of high school education. I want to focus in college, not do more broad philosophy stuff.

I’m thankful for getting in though…keeps my options open. I think I would spend a year on campus anyway… i’m going to nyu to be in NYC!

At the pool, there was this really hot middle age ish woman. I was obviously fantasizing about her while swimming… and then I saw her playing with all her kids. She was at the right angle so the sun came in from the windows and lit up half her face. She smiled and laughed, watching her kids. Right then… I felt really bad for fantasizing… Beauty does exist. Even if I keep telling myself it doesn’t. Not all women are bitches. Some really do want that simple beauty… not the whole money/sex thing.

I was really out of my mind last night… angry/depressed. So I cleaned my room. Cleaning is cleansing for me. *nod nod*

Not doing tennis this year. Senior internship conflicts with it. :(.

More later.

Journal Entries


I was asked this question today….

“what is your best/greatest quality?”

… and I didn’t have an answer

She went on to say that we always think about our flaws, not our good qualities. I tend to do that a lot I think.

Journal Entries

Laws of de land

1. A girl is never as beautiful as you think she is
2. Anyone who speaks with big words to obscure meaning is weak and should be ignored.
3. Get out of your head.
4. Hating is a good thing. Do not be afraid to show it.
5. To hell with the people that make you feel incompetent
6. Use and abuse.
7. Do something in your lifetime that makes your hands shake!

What crime would you commit if you knew you could get away with it?

Journal Entries

Sum Stuffs


1. Use your words
2. Never think anyone is smarter than you.
3. Realize that you are not competent at everything, but you can be if you apply yourself for a long duration.
