Book Reviews

Why not? Review of shutter island


I was in a particularly good mood a few days ago when I saw shutter island… got out… went with some friends… i really haven’t done that in a while and it’s kind of sad lol.

Seeing almost any movie makes me happy… because I love movies. Well, I was thinking about writing a blog post about it, but lately I haven’t really wanted to write all that much on this blog, so figured why not try another video. The first video I did about this one short story I wrote was an utter disaster lol, but I wanted to try again. I also thought some people might want to see my face because they miss it or some viewers have never seen it :).

So here it goes!

Hope it wasn’t too boring ^.^


Journal Entries

Dear people

Dear people,

I’m not sure when I’m going to start posting new content. I’m trying to figure a lot of things out in my life right now, so this blog isn’t so much my top priority. The truth is a lot of times I will be laying on my bed watching a movie or stupid youtube videos, bored, but not relaxed… sort of in a state of perpetual tension and I know I could take that opportunity to write up a new blog post and tell everyone what’s been going on with my life and what it means to me…but I’ve kind of lost the willpower.

I know the reason I started this blog was for me to record and reflect my life and who/what I am. About three ish people that know me probably read this blog… regardless of who cares about me most. Like… there are people who care about me a lot but they don’t read this blog. And probably of those three people maybe only one or two read it religiously and of those two one reads and wants to read every entry.

So I’m speaking to that one person who really cares about me a lot. I will at some point, maybe a week, maybe a month, put how I feel on here. Don’t think I’ve abandoned this side of me :). It’s just… difficult giving into it because it brings a flood of emotions and memories.

Keep shinin,