Journal Entries

Beautiful Sky Outside of the Gym


So I’ve started swimming again. I love the way my heart pounds after I’ve done a couple of laps. I blow out all of the air and sink to the bottom of the pool. I close my eyes. My heart throbs, like I’m back in the womb. Maybe that’s what the world is, a womb, surrounded with oxygen and water and nutrients. Everything life needs to grow and exist. I guess that’s why the ancients would say the earth is a Mother. Mother earth. Hmm… And then I realize I’m not a fish and surface before I pass out. I do dearly love that sound of my heart pounding underwater. It reminds me of the ending scene from Seven Pounds when Emily submerges herself in the bathtub so she can hear her heart beating.

This is the beautiful sky I saw when leaving the gym:

It smells very much like summer. A bit humid, the frogs chirping, the deep scent of trees. A breeze. *grin* Love it!


One reply on “Beautiful Sky Outside of the Gym”

Those are my favorite things about summer too. That and the beautiful night skys :). Peepers too. Love them.

It’s beautiful, TK.

I love the idea of Mother Earth…Interesting I’ll think about that.

Ps. I saw Avatar AND I LOVED IT. You can probably understand why haha. Fantastic movie though you were right. :)


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