Journal Entries


There is something about friends that makes life somehow sweeter. More human, in a way. There are the rich earthy undertones of deep meaning. It makes you feel like your life is worth living.

Just thinking about the memories I’ve made with some of them make me feel warm, like I’m wrapped up in a fluffy, comfortable fur blanket.

There is a feeling of familiarity in the memories. Run your hands across it, and it feels like your life. It really happened to you. And, if you could, you’d love to take a trip in time back to it.

When you think back on the best times in your life, you smile, remembering the people in it. The way you felt bonded. The fun and crazy times you had.

The richness of your life is like continuous stream of people, flowing in and out. The quality people who you are able to collect and keep with you are those very familiar faces impressed in your mind.

The more that you control the flow of this stream, the happier you will become. The less you care to, the more it will grow dirty and murky, the color of stagnant, swamp waters.

When you’re alone all the time, you become restless, depressed, anxious, and mentally cloudy. Your anxiety takes over.

The people in your life hold you up. They make you a better person. A more attractive person. One who’s filled with happiness and confidence.

Their reputation, kindness, and authenticity enhances yours.

When you’re surrounded, they bring out the best of you. The most powerful version of who you are.

Our friends vouch for us. They remind us of who we are. They keep us grounded, while also loving us completely.

A true friend is rare, and should always be kept until the grave.

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